Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Making a decision for Genetown

I think developing this new research facility to conduct research on human embryos in hope of curing diseases is a good idea.

Point 1: Offers job opportunities
When they create the research facility the provide all different types of jobs. This benefits the community in many ways by providing the people of the community with jobs and learning experience. When the facility is finished

Point 2: impact on reproduction technologies
The increase in knowledge of reproduction technologies has increased the amount of people who can have children who wouldn't be able to without reproductive technologies. For instance some men cannot produce enough sperm and some women cannot produce enough hormones. With reproductive technology doctors can take eggs from the women and fertilizing them with sperm and returning the embryos to the uterus. other ways are Artificial insemination which is when doctors collect sperm from a male and inject it into the female.

Point 3: Debate if embryos are being wasted
their is always the debate that their are more embryos created than needed and what happens to them after.With the use of cryopreservation, embryos can be frozen in liquid
nitrogen which can be useful for stem cell and gene therapy research. people think its like murder but actually its not because they are not fertilized with sperm which makes it not human.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cell Cycle.

The cell cycle is important because it is what makes us live.
Their are three stages of the cell cycle are called  interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis. The cell cycle is important because without it would could not survive. When we were a tiny egg the minute we were fertilized we started to make cell. Each day we lose millions of skin cells but each day we make more. If we didn't have the cell cycle our bodies would be unhealthy because the cells would get old and would not reproduce more cells to keep us healthy. 

Hyper link

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My Common Genetic Characteristics

I have detached earlobes like my father. A hanging earlobe is when it hangs below the point of attachment.

A non hanging earlobe is when the earlobe is directly attached to the side of the head.

I have no cleft chin like my mother. Having a cleft chin  is more dominant than not having a cleft chin
When you have a cleft chin it is when their is a little indent in your chin also know as a butt chin.

I can roll my tongue like my mother. Being able to roll your tongue is the more dominant trait rather than not being able to.

when you can roll your tongue it means you have lots of tongue muscles.

The opposite of being able to roll your tongue is that you cant roll your tongue.
I have no dimples like my mother. Having dimples is the dominant trait over having no dimples. Dimples are little dents in your cheeks, sometimes you have dimples in both ears or sometimes in only one cheek you have a dimple.

I have very little hair on my mid-digit finger like my mother. Having hair on your mid-digit is the more dominant trait rather than the non dominant trait which is when you have no hair on your mid-digit
I have a forelock at the edge of my hairline on my forehead like my mother. Having a white forelock is the more dominant trait over not having a forelock.
Having a Forelock is when their is white hair at the edge of your hairline.

I have bent thumbs like my father. Having bent thumbs is the less dominant trait over when you have straight thumbs which is the dominant trait.
Having straight thumbs is when your thumb is straight.
I have bent pinky's like my father. Having bent pinkys   is the dominant trait over having pinky that are straight.
Having straight pinkys is when your pinkys are straight,which is the non dominant trait.

I have a longer 2nd toe like my father. Having a second larger toe means that it is the more dominant trait over having a shorter 2nd toe.
Having a 2nd toe shorter than your big toe is when your big  toe is longer than the second toe on your foot.